Dekanters and separators
Utilization of oil sludges
Utilization of drilling sludges
Reservoir cleaning
Neutralization and regeneration of industrial oils
Treatment facilities
Pumping over oil products
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20 months in the tropics – it’s a good break-in!


On November 10, 2019, the NPO Decanter’s service team completed maintenance works at the Melioform-PCB plant delivered to India as part of the United Nations Industrial Development Program (UNIDO).

On November 10, 2019, the NPO Decanter’s service team completed maintenance works at the Melioform-PCB plant delivered to India as part of the United Nations Industrial Development Program (UNIDO).

Currently, the facility is actively used for the disposal of transformer oils contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in various regions of India. Its mobility enables to move from one disposal site to another, where it responded the challenge of destroying one of the most dangerous persistent organic pollutants for humans.

The plant’ operating conditions hardly be described easy. High humidity and temperature, with their significant daily and seasonal differences, are an acid test for any equipment. Especially for outfitted with modern electronics, which include Melioform-PCB units. However, the routine maintenance did not reveal any significant deviations in the the units’ performance and assemblies. Melioform-PCB plant can be considered the benchmark of reliability and efficiency.

“20 months seems to be just a break-in,” said Alexander Shanin, head of the Dekanter’s technical support service.

For reference:
The NPO Decanter, under the auspices of UNIDO, produced and delivered several plants for the neutralization of PCB-containing transformer oils in a non-combustion method to various countries around the world. This technology is one of the cleanest, since PCB-oils, as well as products of their neutralization, do not come in contact with the environment. Moreover, under certain conditions, transformer oils after processing can be refilled to transformers.

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