Gravidynamic separators GDS

Gravidynamic separators are designed for separation of two liquids that have different density and that are present as emulsions. Usually they are used for separation of hydrocarbon mixtures or plant oils with water. Main fields of implementation are purification of discharged waters form oils and oil products; regeneration of washing and technological liquids in machine-building and maintenance enterprises; collection and removal of water from oil products including cleaning of tanks and liquidation of flows. Gravidynamic separators GDS are unique units developed by NPO Dekanter, LLC team, which have no equivalents in the world in terms of modeling, adaptation and debugging. This unit can be described as follows: emulsion going through a complicated internal structure of GDS unit makes the liquid drops coalescing (adhesion of drops while contacting inside the moving environment) with gradual advancing of more solid liquid with less liquid, and separation at the output of separator with the crossflow center. It results in two separated liquids going from the output of different nozzles.
GD separator can be used as independent equipment or in combination with other units as a device for preliminary separation of the main part of oils and oil products Construction of GD separator can contain heat exchangers to keep the temperature of separated mixture within the set limits. In case of high level of mechanical admixtures GDS of the second generation can be used. These GDS are able to collect and accumulate mechanical admixtures by means of prismatic bottom with the following removal of admixtures from separator; these separators have integrated nozzles for cleaning of the bottom.
Standard GDS are available with capacity of 1, 2, 4, 5, 10 and 20 m3/hour. Upon request of the customer it is possible to produce GDS of any capacity. Minimal differences of densities of liquids in emulsion required for operation of separators comprises 5%. Residual water content in oil products depends on many factors and vary from 0.5 to 5%. Working range of temperatures start from the top point of emulsion freezing and is limited to 100-120°С. Input power pressure is atmospheric. The units with the higher pressure are available upon request.