Dekanters and separators
Utilization of oil sludges
Utilization of drilling sludges
Reservoir cleaning
Neutralization and regeneration of industrial oils
Treatment facilities
Pumping over oil products
Additional equipment


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Dekanters and separators

Separation block for oil sludges and mazut made on the basis of vacuum
Модуль центрифугирования бурового шлама (МЦБШ) NEW
Компактная установка сжигания отходов миниТДУ™

Utilization of oil sludges

Установка очистки грунтов от нефтесодержащих отходов УОГ-15 NEW
Factor-2M, small units for burning of slop-oil
Separation block for oil sludges and mazut made on the basis of vacuum
Factor-1M, waste oil burning compact units
Скруббер жидкой очистки для установок серии Фактор
Установка термической утилизации нефтешламов и буровых шламов ТДУ Фактор-500/2
Mobile termodestruction services TDU Factor-500 with GEE for 700 types of waste NEW
Система предварительной осушки шлама перед подачей в установки ТДУ Фактор NEW
Мобильные термодеструкционные установки ТДУ Фактор- 2000 ЖДТ c ГЭЭ на более 1100 видов отходов

Utilization of drilling sludges

Oil Regeneration



Pumping over oil products

Regeneration of diesel fuel


Additional equipment

Attention! Due to permanent modernization of equipment some minor deviations between real specifications and those that are described at this website are possible. Up-to-date specifications are available upon request that can be made through contacts page.